6th Corporate Universities Meeting

Tuesday 24th September 2019


Netex sponsors the Corporate Universities Meeting in Mexico City, the space where best practices, success stories, evolution and trends of Corporate Universities are shared, as well as networking opportunities with different HR providers and learning professionals of important companies. Connect with more than 100 industry professionals who have implemented CU strategies in their organisations and access best practices to take your CU to the next level.

For the occasion, our Country Manager in Mexico, Rodrigo López Cantero, will offer the seminar ‘Building High-Impact Learning Culture with learningCloud’ (11:00am). Emerging technologies are continuously disrupting our established ways. The half-life of knowledge is reducing epidemically creating a multitude of skill gaps for the modern workforce. Organisations are struggling to cope with the changes and staying ahead of the curve.

However, there is one thing that the best performing organisations are doing well and that is building a learning culture. Rodrigo López Cantero will dive into the practical aspect of building a high-impact learning culture.