Espacio CPI Salud 2024

June 11 and 12

espacio cpi salud 2024

This coming June 11 and 12, Netex is proud to participate in Espacio CPI Salud 2024, to be held at Cartuja Center in Sevilla. This key event, co-organized by the Health and Consumption Council of the Junta de Andalucía and supported by several significant health sector entities, is designed to promote innovation in health service delivery through Public Procurement of Innovation (CPI). 


Netex will play an active role in this meeting with the presentation of SHARE, our advanced knowledge and health management platform, developed in collaboration with the Galician Health Knowledge Management Agency (SERGAS) and ACIS. SHARE is a transformative tool that facilitates the development and sharing of expert knowledge among professionals and patients, redefining how information and skills are transmitted within the health system. 

Visit our booth to explore how SHARE, integrated with key tools like IANUS 5 and FEWEB, is designing and developing training content that not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of health professionals but also optimizes knowledge management across the organization. 

For more information about our participation and to schedule an appointment with us, please contact us at