We Love Learning 2022 – Autumn webinars

OCTOBER, 18th & 19th

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For two days the sessions were celebrated. 5 l&d leaders and experts talked about challenges, trends, and reference success cases. A unique training and technology event.

We celebrated on October 18th and 19th a new face of We Love Learning by Netex. Gonzalo Guirao, Solution Director at Netex, oversaw moderating the different webinars.

We Love Learning 2022 – Autumn webinars

The beginning was in Sarah Baker’s hands, Chief Learning Officer at Virtual College, she focused on human-centred content strategies, and the process they have established to accomplish these. Standing out the importance of getting to know the needs and expectations of everyone involved so you can tune enough not just the content, but the form and the delivery of it.

The learner is the most important stakeholder, if you ignore the learner’s needs, then the project is not going to be a success.

— Sarah Baker, Chief Learning Officer en Virtual College

In the afternoon session, Juan Luis Vicente, Business Product Leader at Adeo, presented Leroy Merlin’s success case and how the project has evolved to become a talent ecosystem that will cover all of Adeo’s group. A strategy focused on the data obtained from each one of the platforms they use to manage talent, its integration, and its exploitation to optimize and personalize user experience.

We provide a new version when we can see all our employees’ journey data. This is really valuable to personalize our employees’ experience

Juan Luis Vicente Business, Product Leader en ADEO

Day two started with a well-known subject in L&D “learning culture within organizations” leaded by Jez Anderson, Learning Solution Consultant at Virtual College, who has years of experience as a consultant for different projects and an expert on this topic. He explained that although this is not a new topic there are new challenges and opportunities to generate a positive learning culture in the workplace.

Firstly, we are invited to think if the perspective should be more about learning and not culture by itself, reframe the question to How can we get the users’ attention, so they are interested in training programs?

Jez talked about 5 strategies to achieve building a real learning culture in which both organizations and employees play an important role.

Maybe the emphasis is less about culture and much more about learning, we should be more focused about what learning is.

— Jez Anderson, Learning Solution Consultant en Virtual College.

The prelude to the end of the webinars series was given by Ana Prado, Educative Contents Director at Netex Learning, who invited attendees to reflect on the evolution of the education context by standing in the shoes of students, teachers and parents.

She remarked on the importance to know the final user, in this case, children and teenagers who spend a great deal of time in digital environments, getting to the point where interpersonal relationships take place on it. We need to identify opportunities and potentialities to effectively reach them.

Standing in the shoes of teachers and parents as well to connect with the new generations’ learning process. The evolution through the years allows the introduction of new tools through e-learning and enables to mix of face-to-face sessions without this being a barrier to learning.

The road will be easier choosing the proper tools, especially with training, training for parents, students, and teachers.

— Ana Prado Riveiro, Educative Contents Director at Netex Learning.

We Love Learning Autumn webinars reached an end with Ana Gonzalez Piris, Training and Data Manager at General Mills, who presented the Häagen-Dazs Shops success case that started with Netex in 2020.

MyHäagen is the mobile learning platform used by the brand’s store network since 2020; an app thought to facilitate access to training and motivate employees, having in mind that the final user had changed to a much more technological profile.

Besides the platform, this project considers the content, which has been focused on micro-learning with dynamic and appealing learning pills that accomplish training goals. An internal team uses contentCloud solution to produce these contents easily and quickly, keeping the app up to date and dynamic with new content according to each region season.

We take a risky choice, but necessary at the time that was to transform the hall training strategy into mobile learning.

— Ana González Piris, Training and Data Manager at General Mills.

The event counted more than 400 registrees among Human Resources directives, Training Departments managers, and L&D professionals from renowned companies in Spain, the UK, and Latin America.

Each session recording will be available to download in the next few days from the event website.