Educational Publisher Santillana partners with Netex to deliver innovative digital education strategy until 2025

Netex and Santillana Group have signed a collaboration agreement for the definition and implementation of the new digital learning ecosystem for Santillana. It is expected that in 2022 the digital ecosystem of Santillana will reach more than 2,000,000 students and 350,000 teachers from 4,000 schools in 18 countries.

With this agreement, which is valued more than 5,000,000 Euros in development services and licences, the leading publisher in Spain and Latin America confirms Netex as its primary digital strategic partner.

Netex will work on the development of a new version of learningCloud, its award-winning next-generation learning platform, through which all the digital contents of Santillana and those of each school will be given access. Native apps will be deployed that enhance the educational experience from smartphone and tablet and offer access, both to students and teachers, to all digital content, with and without connection.

This first digital ecosystem of Santillana Group will consist of independent applications, both their own and those of third parties, fully integrated with each other, so that they can share functionalities and deliver a seamless consumer-grade user experience.

Netex will collaborate with Santillana in the definition of new digital learning experiences adjusted to the needs of each educational stage, with the first deliverable being user experience. Special emphasis will be placed on the accessibility of both the platform and digital content. Also, functionalities will be added to achieve a more social learning environment, for example, facilitating knowledge sharing mechanisms such as user communities, recommendation lists or gamification mechanics, aimed at enhancing student involvement.

netex santillana