El Jardín de Junio. New learningCoffee collection “El poder del lenguaje positivo”

Netex has just signed a partnership for content creation with El Jardín de Junio, whose activity is focused on management training in communication, innovation and creativity, in training projects for the motivation of teams or the cultural change. El Jardín de Junio is a centre responsible for investigations in the field of cognitive neuroscience. As a result of Netex and El Jardín de Junio’s common effort, the learningCoffee collection “El poder del lenguaje positivo” (The power of positive language) has been created. Within 6 entertaining titles it shows how positive words affect us and those around us. An exciting exploration, created by specialists, of the communication possibilities. Besides, this collaboration allows us to offer a new level of “blended” services because we can complement the collection with the face-to-face support of the members of El Jardín de Junio in order to supervise and make courses more dynamic.

ElJardin DeJunio