Netex and Thinking Heads partner to offer top content collections and live conferences

Netex partners with Thinking Heads, the first consultancy specialising in leadership positioning and content programming, to offer joint content collections that combine the latest digital learning technologies and methodologies with leading experts in innovation, digital and cultural transformation and leadership to enhance your learning programmes.

The new collections, on team management or customer focus among others, are now available to be incorporated into blended learning programmes, video streaming, live conferences, face-to-face sessions, one-to-one coaching, and other value-added services.

Due to the increasing demand from organisations for their teams to improve and develop new skills (upskilling and reskilling) that enable them to adapt to changing times, and considering offshoring, internationalisation and the current pandemic, challenges arise for digital learning to meet some of these needs. With the incorporation of all these integrated resources, we offer new catalogue collections and custom pathways for Spanish-speaking companies and organisations, also with English subtitles.

Contact us, one of our specialists will guide you and explain all the possibilities available.

netex thinkingheads 2021