Netex contentCloud is recognised among eLearning Industry’s Best Authoring Tools for 2020

eLearning Industry has announced its Best Authoring Tools list for 2020, featuring the 15 top authoring software for eLearning that can best help organisations create meaningful and engaging content for online learners. For the first time, Netex’s cloud-based solution for professional creation and management of digital content, contentCloud, features on the list.

According to eLearning Industry’s globally recognised experts, the best corporate training authoring tools deliver all the features and functionality that organisations need to maximize ROI, providing support services and customer training resources to help lower the learning curve.

After evaluating authoring software selling points, analysing user reviews and ratings to establish social proof and comparing top authoring tool solutions that get top value for money, eLearning Industry ranks the best authoring tool software based on the following 9 criteria:

  • Customer support
  • Customer Experience
  • Software features
  • Software innovation
  • Customer reviews
  • Economic growth potential
  • Company’s customer retention
  • Employee turnover
  • Company’s social responsibility

Netex is proud to be recognised amongst the top performers which stand out from the tech crowd by building a solid track record, staying ahead of trends and learning about the latest eLearning technology.

mejores herramientas autoria 2020