Netex, officially listed in the Spanish Registry of Innovative SMEs

pyme_innovadora_mineco-EN_web-2018Netex is now officially listed in the Spanish Registry of Innovative SMEs. The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has formalised this accreditation with the concession of the Official Seal, which recognises our innovative work within the e-learning sector, a strategic contribution for industrial development and growth. The concession is completed with the resolution document, signed by the General Director of Innovation and Competitiveness, María Luisa Castaño Marín. For Netex, the award is given by the presentation of T-Didacta project. This project is designed to develop and enhance digital ecosystems in classrooms through digital content and “Learning Analytics” techniques and pioneer in its field.PYMEInnovadora Innovation is one of the essential factors for economic growth of the country, hence occupies a prominent place in European and national policies. Innovation is configured as a key to job creation, growth in the medium term, productivity and ultimately improving competitiveness. Innovation is the necessary tool to meet the needs and challenges that today’s society demands. From this perspective the Secretary of State for research, development and innovation launches the tools to drive innovation through grants and mainly tax deductions. These instruments are channeled either by the Centro para el Desarrollo Technologico Industrial (CDTI) with their programs and funding lines or through calls for competitive bidding, awards and honors in recognition of innovative activity and other actions to promote innovation.  

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