Netex opens its digital educational contents to all Galician students

From Monday 30th March, the digital educational contents of Netex are available to all Galician students of Years 5 to 8 for free until the end of the school year.

With this decision, Netex contributes towards the initiative of Xunta de Galicia to make the digital contents of the E-Dixgal Project. This project promotes digital education in the classrooms of our region, available to the whole educational community. Netex wants to support the efforts of teachers and students to adapt to the extraordinary situation we are living in by providing all our resources to meet their virtual learning needs and guide them in this digital transition.

During the 2019-2020 academic year, nearly 30,000 students from 347 educational centres throughout Galicia already have access to E-Dixgal’s digital contents. With this measure, a total of 95,000 students will be able to enjoy these curricular materials.

Schools will be able to access the interactive digital contents of all the subjects of a school year through the catalogue that Xunta de Galicia will make available to teachers and students.

In addition, for Mathematics, Spanish Language and Literature, Galician Language and Literature and English, Netex also provides intelligent digital content or smartClassroom, which has very enriching additional functionalities for virtual learning, such as greater control of the classroom, real-time data, personalised authoring of content, data analysis of all activities and access to offline content.

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