Netex renews its accreditation as an Innovative SME

Netex - Innovate SMEIn October 2018, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities renewed the seal that accredits Netex as Innovative SME, including the company in the Register of Innovative SMEs.

This recognizes Netex’s achievements in one of the sectors that the Government considers “strategic for industrial development and growth.” This renewal adds to the inclusion of Netex in the Register of Innovative SMEs in December 2015.

The accreditation, which will take effect over the next three years, responds to the presentation of the pioneering T-Didacta Project, designed to develop and enhance digital ecosystems in the classroom through digital content and techniques of “Learning Analytics”. The project has been worthy of receiving public funding within the framework of the Spanish Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation.

netex pyme innovadora