Netex renews the contract for the educational integration of ICT in Canarian classrooms

The Government of the Canary Islands has placed its trust in the Netex-Altia joint venture for the service of supporting the educational integration of ICT in non-university public schools in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. This agreement is part of the project ‘Use and quality of ICTs in the educational environment’ of the Canary Islands Government’s Department of Education and Universities, involves an economic provision of 725,000 euros, and will be extended until December 2021.

The project aims to complement the actions targeted at the integration of ICT and the effective use of digital learning technologies carried out with previous projects. Through this contract, teaching materials and interactive digital content are developed, as well as the necessary developments and integrations for an education that is moving from analogue to digital are addressed. Developments include, amongst others, the implementation of an educational resource management platform, solutions for academic registration and personal learning portfolio or the creation and improvement of educational applications.

This type of educational content and solutions are key to modern, quality education, and have become very relevant since the forced acceleration of the digital transformation and modernisation of education caused by the situation arising from COVID-19.

Noticias netex Altia UTE TIC aulas canarias 1