Netex signs a contract with FUNDAE for more than 2 million Euros to train 150.000 self-employed workers.

Netex and Overlap, on a Temporal Union of Companies (UTE), have signed a contract with FUNDAE (State Foundation for Training and Employment) that will cover the next three years and will develop digital content to satisfy training needs for self-employed workers.

The contract value ascends to 2.322.467€ and will be valid for three years starting September 1st, 2022.

The project has three parts: data collection from self-employed or their representatives regarding their training needs, development of the training itineraries, and its broadcast among the group. Netex will be taking part in the second part, the development of the training itineraries and will support Overlap on the two other parts.

During this period, the main objective is to train around 150.000 self-employed workers in those specialties that can make easier their upgrades and requalification in an increasingly digital work market environment that also requires new knowledge and skills.

This training intends that the workers get more possibilities to integrate into the work market or update their knowledge, always considering their interests and needs, therefore a previous study will take place before the training itinerary design.

One of the objectives of this UTE will be to pay special attention to those workers living at exclusion risk (immigrants, women, functional diverse people…) aiming to know their interests and train them so their integration into the work market responds to its actual needs. That is why the focus will be on the accessibility and usability of the contents.

netex fundae overlap