Netex, Spanish-based learning technologies leader with over 20 years’ experience, takes home an inaugural eLearning Industry Silver award for Content website of their Next-Generation LMS, learningCloud.
In conjunction with eLearning Industry, the largest online community of eLearning professionals in the industry and media publishing company, these awards reflect a detailed analysis of the SEO, design and content efforts of over 300 websites in the corporate learning space. Awards were given to the top websites in each category as well as overall ranking.

“We’re proud to honor the winners of the Top 10 Best LMS Websites. With the increase in technologies available to meet important learning needs, helping companies find the right solutions for their situations is important. With this award, we hope to highlight the role a website plays in helping companies streamline their efforts to find the best partner for them,” said Christopher Pappas, founder of eLearning Industry’s Network.
With hundreds of LMS vendors, having an optimized website that generates high quality leads is critical
— Lynne McNamee
We reviewed over 300 learning technology websites and were extremely impressed with the Netex learningCloud site. We awarded the site our silver award for content because their marketing team did a masterful job of not only writing content that clearly explains their products, but they converted every feature into specific benefits that make it much easier for customers to see the value. Every website designer tries to achieve this, but very few do
— Gordon Johnson
Judges Lynne McNamee and Gordon L. Johnson are leading marketing experts in the corporate learning industry. They evaluated over 300 websites to determine the 2019 winners. A full list of winners can be found in the eBook at eLearning Industry.