Netex wins the tender to develop digital content for the Educamadrid platform for a value of 172,500€.

Netex has won the public tender for the development of digital content comprising a collection of learning situations and didactic units for public schools, which will be distributed on Educamadrid, the Educational Platform of the Community of Madrid. The competition has a budget of €172,500 and will be carried out between July and September 2023.

The project involves the creation of digital teaching units focused on the development of emotional intelligence for teaching and aimed at students according to their psychological and social maturity which, in this case, corresponds to the 5th and 6th year of primary education, 1st and 2nd year of ESO and Basic Grade Vocational Training.

This project content is focused on a new social and emotional education program that will start the next school year. It is classified on different theme blocks:

  • Block A: Social and emotional skills.
  • Block B: Coexistence and prevention of violence.
  • Block C: Protective health factors.
  • Block D: Prevention of addictions and gang membership.
  • Block E: Use of social networks and data protection.

This kind of project represents the importance of bringing new educational solutions to the new generations. It gives teachers the contents and tools to facilitate and improve new abilities and knowledge that will help students manage real life situations.

netex educamadrid socioemocional