Project T-Didacta. Digital ecosystems in the classroom.

In September 2014, Netex received a grant to develop the project T-Didacta: intelligent devices support teaching based on Learning Analytics techniques, which aims to solve all the problems arising from the use of tablets and digital learning environments in classrooms holistically. The project has been funded by the Ministry of Industry, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2013-2016 In September 2014, Netex received a government grant to develop T-Didacta Project. The key goal of the project is to solve the problems arising from the use of tablets and digital learning environments in classrooms holistically. The Project has been funded by the Ministry of Industry, as part of the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2013-2016 research with reference number TSI-100600-2014-31. T-Didacta encourages collaborative work based learning. It provides tools that enable teachers to regain control of the class, offers customized training to help each student and anticipates potential school leavers by improving classroom technology infrastructure. T-Didacta Project reuses components of ongoing projects and is based on three pillars to meet its objectives:

  1. Collaborative activities.
  2. Classroom management through content.
  3. Learning Analytics Engine.

Combining these three parts and adding an offer for classrooms connectivity, we obtain a system that streamlines the collaborative work, with specifically designed content which allows teachers to work in real time with students. An environment in which to study the dynamics of class, trends, behaviors and reactions. An environment that warns of possible problems, involving parents in the process and also suggests courses of action to prevent students from falling into ostracism and school failure. ProyectoT-Didacta-logos

ProyectoT Didacta