Xunta de Galicia expands its confidence in Netex as promoters of educational innovation

The Agency for the Technological Modernisation of Galicia (AMTEGA) has renewed and expanded with Netex’s digital educational services contract for the E-Dixgal project for two more years.

Last February 21st, Netex received the news by which the Department of Education of the Xunta de Galicia through the Amtega has renewed and expanded with Netex the solution for digital content corresponding to Years 5 and 6 courses in Primary Education and Years 7 and 8 in Secondary Education.

The renewal represents an economic contract worth 490,910 Euros which strengthens the confidence of the administration in the innovative drive made by Netex in this project since 2014. The period of extension of licences, which will extend from August 2018 to August 2020, is an excellent opportunity for the curricular improvement of contents that could be the basis of work for the incorporation of the Smart model of intelligent content.

E-Dixgal in figures

This digital content solution will provide access to curricular contents of 154 public education centres in Galicia. This means that a total of 11,000 students and 2,000 teachers will benefit from the improvement of these subjects within the Primary and Secondary education.

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