Xunta de Galicia redoubles its confidence in Netex to deliver smart content to over 50,000 Galician students

Xunta de Galicia, the Regional Government of Galicia, has awarded Netex a new contract for the development of digital curricular contents for the 3rd and 4th Secondary Education courses within the framework of the Abalar E-Dixgal Project, an initiative of the Department of Education through Amtega, the Galician Agency for Technological Modernisation.

The contract involves a financial endowment of 230,000 euros for two years, renewable for another two, for the development of educational content in 6 subjects in which 20,000 students in the last two years of Secondary Education will be educated.

These new contents continue the development of educational materials, initiated by Netex in 2014, and which are currently offered to 32,000 Galician students in the last two years of Primary Education and the first two of Secondary Education.

The curricular proposal that Netex presents for 3rd and 4th Secondary courses focuses once again on the development of smart contents that allow students and teachers to increase and deepen their digital competences. This way, teachers can personalise the materials, creating their own activities and adding a wide variety of resources such as videos or audios, among others. The materials also include differentiated views for students and teachers, who will have teaching guides, methodological guidelines and time planning of the teaching programmes. Among other new learning approaches and methodologies that can be found in the Netex contents, the following stand out:

  1. The blended methodology, which combines face-to-face with the online model, a great help for teachers in the circumstances arising from the pandemic and for families in the case of blended learning.
  2. The competence approach: The teaching units offer a wide variety of activities to work on the 7 key competences identified in the Spanish Education Laws LOMCE and LOMLOE.
  3. The interdisciplinary project, which provides activities where students can develop their autonomy and personal initiative.
  4. Gamification: In all units there are motivational challenges and games that increase motivation and improve the ability to retain concepts and acquire skills.
  5. Interactive and non-interactive activities to encourage critical thinking, which provides students with the ability to judge, compare, contrast and make decisions, key aspects in the education of the new millennium.
  6. Project and research-based learning, which allow us to incorporate the contents and learning standards established in the curriculum with a design that brings into play the development of all the basic competences.
  7. “Service-learning”, a focus on values where the social dimension of education is explored to bring students closer to the real world, to strengthen their vocation for solidarity and the importance of being useful to the community.

Netex has extensive knowledge and presence in other educational initiatives, and since 2019 participates in a project with the Government of the Canary Islands for the educational integration of ICT in the classroom. In this project, promoted by the Canarian Department of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports, Netex is developing digital content for all courses of Primary and Secondary Education. The project will run until December 2021.

amtega netex unta abalar